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0.8.1 Improvements.

In this blog, we're going to talk about the improvements we've made in the 0.8.1 release.
11 August 2021 - Blog 8 - Kookaburra

We've made some improvements into speeding up Kookaburra. Response latency is improved by 32%. At the time of writing we've not yet released the version, but will soon.

0.7.6: | 31,9 | 27,22 | 23,65 | 30,6 | Avg=28,3425

0.8.1: | 5,92 | 24,39 | 23,18 | 23,15 | Avg=19,16

(28,3425 - 19,16 ) ÷ 28,3425 × 100 = 32,39834171297521390138484607921 ≈ 32%

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