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Kookaburra linking template.

In this blog, we're conveniently providing a linking template for Kookaburra.
16 July 2021 - Blog 5 - Kookaburra 0.7.2

For anyone wanting to share Kookaburra, you can use this template. The template uses Markdown or HTML. We use badges/widgets from 3rd Party projects or companies. The Microsoft Store Badges are JavaScript enabled. You can create you own using the Microsoft provided links and the Store ID Happy coding!

Large card overview.

Markdown - Light
[![Readme Card](](
Markdown - Dark
[![Readme Card](](
HTML - Light
<a href='//'><img src='' alt='Readme Card'/></a>
HTML - Dark
<a href='//'><img src='' alt='Readme Card'/></a>


Readme Card Readme Card

Microsoft Store badges

Markdown - Small
Markdown - Large
HTML - Small
<a href='//'><img src='' alt='English badge' Width=127 Height=52/></a>
HTML - Large
<a href='//'><img src='' alt='English badge' Width=284 Height=104/></a>


English badge

English badge

Microsoft Store Product banners (Javascript enabled)

HTML - Normal
<div id="mspb-berbdcavfk4t" class="9pcq0dhdtzpm"></div>
<script src=""></script>
  mspb('9pcq0dhdtzpm', function(badge) {
    document.getElementById('mspb-berbdcavfk4t').innerHTML = badge;
HTML - Large
<div id="mspb-874a69sqmvom" class="9pcq0dhdtzpm"></div>
<script src=""></script>
  mspb({ productId: '9pcq0dhdtzpm', badgeType: 'large' }, function(badge) {
    document.getElementById('mspb-874a69sqmvom').innerHTML = badge;


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